Friday, March 1, 2019

Figuring out Buying Behaviours

Interview #1

The first person that I interviewed was Isaac Hetzroni. When telling Isaac about the product, he was mainly concerned about the safety of his vehicle. It seemed that he was more concerned about people treating his car poorly more than he cared about getting the money for the rental. I think I could patch up that hole by showing him a breakdown of the different insurance plan that shows the three-way coverage that both him, the driver, and the company take. I think it would also be important to show how safe it is to drive a car and how people tend to drive better with a car that's not even theirs. Overall, this interview showed me how the most important thing for him deciding what to pick is trust.

Interview #2

For the second interview, I interviewed my friend Mickey, who is also a travel enthusiast. He told me that a lot of his buying strategies line up pretty well with the model that I offer. With this being said, he also noted that he would never walk up to a car rental place and trade his car in. He then went on to say that a lot of the airport is hard to navigate and it intimidates him. Finally, he said that he would need an online platform that would be tagged to different airlines so that it would be part of the checkout process.

Interview #3

In my third interview,  I talked to my friend Austin, who typically leaves the country for a month at a time. After I interviewed him, the best piece of information that I took was his post-purchase evaluation of a business. For example, he told me that he would like updates on how his car is doing after leaving it at the airport. Just like sends all of their customers a confirmation of the order and makes sure that the customers are satisfied with their products service. In the same fashion, I think that my company should send the customer pictures and updates about the other person's drive, for example, every day that the car is driven, it tells the owner the progress and the money that they are getting for it.

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