Friday, March 1, 2019

Secret Sauce

I have experience working with a large group setting and being the leader for a large thousand dollar projects
I have a great public speaking ability and I am charismatic in front of crowds.
I have superior knowledge about the stock market and financial readings for companies in order for them to be successful
I am very sympathetic and have emotional intelligence when it comes to interacting with people no matter the social environment
I have a great work ethic when it comes to working on business endeavors.

1. The first person that I interviewed was my brother. In the interview, he told me that I have the best work ethic in the family and that he always respected how I would put social-time to the side, just to work on things that were important. This took me by surprise because I figured that he always spited me for working while he was playing. He would also always tell me to lighten up and not always work hard.

2. The second person that I interviewed was my best friend since middle school, Austin. He told me that I had a crazy amount of knowledge about business and that I inspired him to make his own business. He also told me that I am very aggressive when it comes to my idea about ideas and that I might be stubborn to change my mind. The last part of this caught me by surprise because I always thought that I was sympathetic and somewhat accepting of people's ideas.

3. Next, I interviewed my friend Isaac. Isaac told me that I he has always looked up to me for my ability to motivate the people around me. He then went on to say that I was really good at convincing people about a vision that they should have, whether it be for business or for something like deciding where to eat for dinner.

4. The next person that I interviewed was my father. He told me that I have always been the creative one in the family and it has inspired him for my whole childhood. he elaborated and said that my talent as a musician was something that he always admired me. When my father told me this, I noticed how right he was and that I should take up an instrument because it was such a good creative outflow for me.

5. The last person that I interviewed was my business partner Zach. He told me that I do a great job of keeping people accountable when they need to get things done in regards to workouts, studying, or for the business. For example, I wake up Zach every morning so we can run to the gym and workout before we start the business day. I have not missed a day since the start of the year and I make sure that he is always there no matter what his excuse is.

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