Friday, March 29, 2019

Bringning in a Second Opinion

The general theme of the book is how to have a mindset of winning in spite of the continued failures that blind our vision towards that type of mentality. It is through a winning mentality that one can eventually get to win. The book had interesting opinions on what it meant to be a success in business and in life in general. For example, I liked the idea of people being guided by the systems in their lives as opposed to their goals. If I could involve one of the main points of the book into this class it would be an assignment in which we write down our goals in life and transform them into systems that we can incorporate every day of our lives. One of the biggest aha moments was when Adams described how people shouldn't be discovering their passions. Instead, they should be finding their energy through the small things that will make their lives happier. For example, Adams breaks down these common energies into Activities, Space and Time.

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