Friday, March 22, 2019

Growing your social Capital

1. The person that I interviewed as an industry expert is Emily Overchill, the head of recruitment for Enterprise Rent-a-car. She has extensive knowledge in regards to the entire industry o rental cars. This will prove to be very useful with the type of business that I own. Her knowledge of the rental car industry will help me save time and errors in the future.

2.  One of the people that are heavily involved with my market is my cousin Caryn Garcia. She is the VP of marketing for her division of carnival cruise line. Since she is so involved with travelers, I think I could learn more about my clients buying behaviors

3. One of the main suppliers in my industry would be a younger traveler ho is always looking for new forms of income. For this person, I chose my friend Sebastian who always travels. Through this connection, I think that I can get a deeper understainding of my clients and also have Sebastian work as an advocate for my brand.

I think the biggst thing that I appreciated is the value of a connection within a well connected network. For example, I realized that I need to utilize the people that I know the best to do some of my work. If I dont do this, I will waste more time and do more mistakes.

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