Friday, March 15, 2019

Create a Customer Avatar

My typical customer is a 30-40-year-old male traveler who is still single and is pursuing many of his goals by himself. His hobbies include traveling and golf since he is also a businessman and he is constantly meeting with clients and prospects across the country. He drives a grey Nissan Murano and is willing to rent it out so he can have a new flow of income. He also can't completely afford the car that he bought so my services help him pay for his car. He likes to watch shows like shark tank and American bidders. It shows how he is open to new ideas and has a slight entrepreneurship mindset. He also is a small social media influencer and has a following of 10,000 people. On his Instagram, he posts about his travels and his business moves.

I think I share the entrepreneur mindset of my customer's avatar. Just as my customer is interested in new technologies that solve unique problems, I think I too find an attraction to that. I definitely don't think this is a coincidence because it only proves the point that the founder of the company should see themselves as a chief user of their product.

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