Friday, February 22, 2019

Tenacity & Paying it Forward

One of the big behaviors that I have acquired through the development of this course was the ability to think in a way that is focused around the problems. This has proven useful since the beginning of any pitch should always be the development of a problem. Only when this is established are we able to create the right solution to this problem.

One of the times that I felt like giving up was when I hit a series of roadblocks with the people that I interviewed. Because of this, I was discouraged and it was hard for me to move forward with the same tenacity as I did when I first started the business idea. I was abe to overcome these setbacks by readjusting my strategy and looking at the problem from a different perspective. I think its also important to note that most businesses don't fail because the business failed but that the entrepreneur gave up.

The first tip that I would offer would be to always be open to criticism of the idea that you have. The second tip is to always play devil's advocate and to be slightly pessimistic at times if you need to reevaluate certain topics. The last tip that I would suggest is that an entrepreneur should always continue to move towards their goal no matter what people say. It is important to take critisism but to not take it seriously enough where it demoralizes you.

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