Friday, March 29, 2019

Elevator Pitch 3

I did not turn in my elevator for the last assignment but I did present my elevator pitch in front of people and they told me that I stutter a lot and that I use too many transition words without enough content. This leads to people getting distracted from my main points and focusing on my flaws as a presenter. When I got this feedback, I consciously focused on not using stutter/filler words and being more articulate.

Bringning in a Second Opinion

The general theme of the book is how to have a mindset of winning in spite of the continued failures that blind our vision towards that type of mentality. It is through a winning mentality that one can eventually get to win. The book had interesting opinions on what it meant to be a success in business and in life in general. For example, I liked the idea of people being guided by the systems in their lives as opposed to their goals. If I could involve one of the main points of the book into this class it would be an assignment in which we write down our goals in life and transform them into systems that we can incorporate every day of our lives. One of the biggest aha moments was when Adams described how people shouldn't be discovering their passions. Instead, they should be finding their energy through the small things that will make their lives happier. For example, Adams breaks down these common energies into Activities, Space and Time.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Growing your social Capital

1. The person that I interviewed as an industry expert is Emily Overchill, the head of recruitment for Enterprise Rent-a-car. She has extensive knowledge in regards to the entire industry o rental cars. This will prove to be very useful with the type of business that I own. Her knowledge of the rental car industry will help me save time and errors in the future.

2.  One of the people that are heavily involved with my market is my cousin Caryn Garcia. She is the VP of marketing for her division of carnival cruise line. Since she is so involved with travelers, I think I could learn more about my clients buying behaviors

3. One of the main suppliers in my industry would be a younger traveler ho is always looking for new forms of income. For this person, I chose my friend Sebastian who always travels. Through this connection, I think that I can get a deeper understainding of my clients and also have Sebastian work as an advocate for my brand.

I think the biggst thing that I appreciated is the value of a connection within a well connected network. For example, I realized that I need to utilize the people that I know the best to do some of my work. If I dont do this, I will waste more time and do more mistakes.

Second Shot at Idea Napkin

1. I am Gabriel Peña, and I am a young businessman who has a good amount of experience dealing with marketing for companies. I am currently the head of Sales at a startup company called Imprint Genius and I help generate physical marketing campaigns that can best represent my clients' brands.  believe that I have a large variety of business experience to be able to apply my knowledge to my business idea. This is mainly due to the skills I have in portraying a message out to my targeted clients (specifically people who travel). Since I have some amount of experience of marketing through Imprint Genius, I think I will be able to target my specific audience very effectively. I believe that the number one talent I will be able to translate into this endeavor is the ability to communicate myself well and effectively with a client base. My product is a new way for travelers to make an extra buck while they are out of town for a vacation of some sort. This will be provided by a car rental service where people drop their cars off and other people rent them out. I am offering it because I think people are always looking for ways to leverage their assets and find a new way to make an income. I am offering this service to any travel enthusiast or businesses that constantly have employees traveling. The feedback that I was offered showed how much of a good marketer I am. For some reason, I thought that my young age was kind of a disadvantage but it turns out that my age is one of my biggest assets

Friday, March 15, 2019

Create a Customer Avatar

My typical customer is a 30-40-year-old male traveler who is still single and is pursuing many of his goals by himself. His hobbies include traveling and golf since he is also a businessman and he is constantly meeting with clients and prospects across the country. He drives a grey Nissan Murano and is willing to rent it out so he can have a new flow of income. He also can't completely afford the car that he bought so my services help him pay for his car. He likes to watch shows like shark tank and American bidders. It shows how he is open to new ideas and has a slight entrepreneurship mindset. He also is a small social media influencer and has a following of 10,000 people. On his Instagram, he posts about his travels and his business moves.

I think I share the entrepreneur mindset of my customer's avatar. Just as my customer is interested in new technologies that solve unique problems, I think I too find an attraction to that. I definitely don't think this is a coincidence because it only proves the point that the founder of the company should see themselves as a chief user of their product.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Secret Sauce

I have experience working with a large group setting and being the leader for a large thousand dollar projects
I have a great public speaking ability and I am charismatic in front of crowds.
I have superior knowledge about the stock market and financial readings for companies in order for them to be successful
I am very sympathetic and have emotional intelligence when it comes to interacting with people no matter the social environment
I have a great work ethic when it comes to working on business endeavors.

1. The first person that I interviewed was my brother. In the interview, he told me that I have the best work ethic in the family and that he always respected how I would put social-time to the side, just to work on things that were important. This took me by surprise because I figured that he always spited me for working while he was playing. He would also always tell me to lighten up and not always work hard.

2. The second person that I interviewed was my best friend since middle school, Austin. He told me that I had a crazy amount of knowledge about business and that I inspired him to make his own business. He also told me that I am very aggressive when it comes to my idea about ideas and that I might be stubborn to change my mind. The last part of this caught me by surprise because I always thought that I was sympathetic and somewhat accepting of people's ideas.

3. Next, I interviewed my friend Isaac. Isaac told me that I he has always looked up to me for my ability to motivate the people around me. He then went on to say that I was really good at convincing people about a vision that they should have, whether it be for business or for something like deciding where to eat for dinner.

4. The next person that I interviewed was my father. He told me that I have always been the creative one in the family and it has inspired him for my whole childhood. he elaborated and said that my talent as a musician was something that he always admired me. When my father told me this, I noticed how right he was and that I should take up an instrument because it was such a good creative outflow for me.

5. The last person that I interviewed was my business partner Zach. He told me that I do a great job of keeping people accountable when they need to get things done in regards to workouts, studying, or for the business. For example, I wake up Zach every morning so we can run to the gym and workout before we start the business day. I have not missed a day since the start of the year and I make sure that he is always there no matter what his excuse is.

Figuring out Buying Behaviours

Interview #1

The first person that I interviewed was Isaac Hetzroni. When telling Isaac about the product, he was mainly concerned about the safety of his vehicle. It seemed that he was more concerned about people treating his car poorly more than he cared about getting the money for the rental. I think I could patch up that hole by showing him a breakdown of the different insurance plan that shows the three-way coverage that both him, the driver, and the company take. I think it would also be important to show how safe it is to drive a car and how people tend to drive better with a car that's not even theirs. Overall, this interview showed me how the most important thing for him deciding what to pick is trust.

Interview #2

For the second interview, I interviewed my friend Mickey, who is also a travel enthusiast. He told me that a lot of his buying strategies line up pretty well with the model that I offer. With this being said, he also noted that he would never walk up to a car rental place and trade his car in. He then went on to say that a lot of the airport is hard to navigate and it intimidates him. Finally, he said that he would need an online platform that would be tagged to different airlines so that it would be part of the checkout process.

Interview #3

In my third interview,  I talked to my friend Austin, who typically leaves the country for a month at a time. After I interviewed him, the best piece of information that I took was his post-purchase evaluation of a business. For example, he told me that he would like updates on how his car is doing after leaving it at the airport. Just like sends all of their customers a confirmation of the order and makes sure that the customers are satisfied with their products service. In the same fashion, I think that my company should send the customer pictures and updates about the other person's drive, for example, every day that the car is driven, it tells the owner the progress and the money that they are getting for it.