Friday, April 5, 2019

Whats Nextt

Existing Market:

One of the main things that I think we should be doing is to create an R&D focused part of the company. By doing this, I think that I will learn more about the legalities before I start touching other people's property like their cars. The first person that I interviewed was Pablo Casilimas. When I told him about what we plan about doing next, his eyes glowed and I could tell that he wanted to hear more numbers and research behind something like this. He told me that he wanted to know everything important that one needs to know before he would give his car keys to someone. The next person that I interviewed told me that I needed to focus on getting a co-founder for the company so I didn't do this completely by myself. By doing this, I will focus on the things that I am good at and he will focus on things that I am weaker in.

Future Market:

My future market would be to target large airlines so that I can sign deals and get more traffic going to my stores. By having them as my clients I think that they will have more business because their individual airline will look more advanced and innovative to be working with a company like mine. The first person that I interviewed was my friend's dad who currently flies a plane for the southwest. Whenever I told him that I wanted to target big airplanes he told me that it was a bad idea. This is mainly because they would want too much profit from my cut. Considering that I would barely break even with this business, this seems like a difficult idea. The second person that I interviewed was a customer service rep for the southwest airline. During my time interviewing the young lady, I asked her about the business and she thought of it very positively. However, Wasn't sure if she was being sincere since she seemed distracted. From what I heard though, she gave me the phone number of a higher up person in the company. This perodn still hasnt answered my emails.

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