Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Celebrating Failure

 One time that I failed this semester was when I was playing basketball in southwest recreation center. I was at court two and I thought that I stood a chance against all of the tall athletic guys on the court. My team and I fought hard but we eventually lost the game so we had to sit out. On the second time around we lost again, And at that point, no one wanted to play because they were all too tired.
I felt so defeated not only cause we lost but that I couldn't try again to win since everyone stopped playing.

I think this instance shows that it isn't the failure that discourages me, but instead the absence of another chance. I think that this can be applied to my life as an entrepreneur since I can constantly get another chance at the game. However, I think that sometimes I should also learn to move on and perhaps see if I'm playing in the wrong court or maybe even playing the wrong sport.

I think this class has taught me that failure should always be an indicator of where you are right now but certainly not the predictor of where you're going to be.

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