Monday, April 15, 2019

Final Reflection

After looking back at the countless posts that I did this semester, I am happy to say that I have learned a lot through my experiences. Out of all o the posts that resonated with me, I think that the pitch practices had the most positive impact on my venture and my mindset as an entrepreneur. Just getting in front of a camera and practicing my pitch helped to reinforce all of the main points that made my concept so effective. I think that I had a good entrepreneur mindset at the beginning of the year but after my experiences, I think it reminded me why I am so passionate about this way of life. It is mainly unchartered territory and it is riveting for me to chart the course for the journey. The main thing that this class showed me was the amount of work that goes into doing a venture and making it actually work. I think that this class moved me from being a want-trepreneur into being an actual entrepreneur. One of the things that I would recommend to people is put in more work than is required I you actually want a venture to work. Most people don't actually try and maybe if they did then they would make more money than anticipated

Image result for just do it quotes

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