Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Reading Reflection 3

The book that I decided to read for this 3rd reading reflection was Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, Ashlee Vance. One of the things that surprised me the most was how much he read about other people's lives. It seems as though he was obsessed with reading biographies on other people's lives. I thought that he has always been very independent and not heavily influenced by people. but it seems like he was. One of the things that I most admired was his work ethic, while one of the things that I least admired was his lack of sociability with people since I see this as a big detractor. One of the things that he failed at was Solar city and he took it as an advantage by simply making it part of projects with Tesla. His competencies included coding and general computer knowledge that put him ahead of almost anyone in his life. One of the things that confused was how quickly he adopted an American mentality without paying respects to his previous country. If I were to ask him a question I would ask more about nueralink and AI and his Tesla projects. I think that he sees hardwork as one of the most important things since he talks about increasing your workload by 10% and it leading to a 40% increase. I completely share this opinion with him

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