Friday, February 15, 2019

Idea Napkin No. 1

1) My name is Gabriel Peña and I believe that I have a large variety of business experience to be able to apply my knowledge to my business idea. This is mainly due to the skills I have in portraying a message out to my targeted clients (specifically people who travel). I believe that the number one talent I will be able to translate into this endeavor is the ability to communicate myself well and effectively with a client base. My product is a new way for travelers to make an extra buck while they are out of town for a vacation of some sort. This will be provided by a car rental service where people drop their cars off and other people rent them out. I am offering it because I think people are always looking for ways to leverage their assets and find a new way to make an income. I am offering this service to any travel enthusiast or businesses that constantly have employees traveling.

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