Thursday, January 24, 2019

Identify Local Opportunities

Article 1

1.  Here's how to recycle your Gasparilla 2019 beads in Tampa
3. This news article talks about the problem with Gasparilla beads polluting the streets and waters of Tampa Bay. It also speaks about the solutions that have been enacted by businesses in the Tampa Area. These businesses include the MacDonald Training Center, Krispy Kreme, and the Florida Aquarium. Even though these small businesses have done their part, there hasn't been much of an organized effort to solve this major issue. 
4. The problem in the story is the excessive amounts of Gasparilla beads being disposed of incorrectly. Whether it be through drunk Paraders or people accidentally recycling them in their regular recycling bins. 
5. The city of Tampa is the organization in which this concerns because it is with the authority of the government to hold its citizens accountable for being renewable

Article 2 
1. Whitman: Pastor experience of abuse inspires him to counsel other victims 
3. This article talks about the negative effects of domestic violence and how a church Pastor is using his experience to help other people with domestic violence. Throughout the entire article, the pastor talks about his own experiences and the evolution that he went through in order to solve his issue. 
4. The main problem in this article is the domestic violence issue that is so common for most women in relationships and marriages. 
5. The people that have this problem is the pastor himself, at the beginning of the story, and then it transpires to the lives of many women and men within the church he serves. 

Article 3 
1. Volunteers Fan through the city to tally homeless 
3. This article talks about volunteers entering all parts of Gainesville and Alachua county and taking a tally of all the homeless people in the area. After tallying all of them up,  they were asked a series of questions that showed what the cause of their predicament was. 
4. The obvious issue in this article is the homeless problem in Gainesville. There are obviously too many homeless people in the area and the survey that was conducted should serve as proof that the city should do something about this issue
5. The main people that have this problem are the homeless people themselves. I believe that the homeless people in Alachua county should be encouraged to find new jobs instead of just begging and trying to find the scraps of other peoples labor. 

Article 4 
1. Mayoral candidate explains voting issue
3. This article talks about the issue behind the voting issues that surround the city of Gainesville. In the city. The article specifically talks about a mayoral candidate that had to purposely vote at a precinct outside of the city because he was unable to change his address in the eyes of the city. 
4. The main problem presented in the story is the built-in obstacles that the voting system can pose or potential mayoral candidates and for regular citizens as well/ 
5. The main people that have the problem are regular citizens that see the voting system as too convoluted and will jsut decide not to vote if the process is made too hard. 

Article 5 
1. Afraid you're not going to be able to retire? There are good reasons to worry. 
3. This article talks about the fertitlity rates of Americans today and how the working class of young workers will not be able to support the aging baby boomers that are now looking to go into retirement. 
4. The issue that is presented in this article is that baby boomers will have to remain in the workforce for a little bit longer because the hyperinflated economy will require them to 
5. the main issue with this supposition will likely land on the hands of young people and old people as well

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